OUR 3 I's
At Crowlands Primary School we believe each child should be confident to use mathematics in a range of everyday situations. Therefore, we encourage children to develop a positive attitude to this subject and improve their attainment by providing a balanced and varied curriculum of mathematics based on the requirements set out in the National Curriculum 2014.
Mathematics is a tool for everyday life. It is a whole network of concepts and relationships which provide a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. It also provides the materials and means for creating new imaginative worlds to explore.
At Crowlands, we follow the teaching for mastery principles to equip our children to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically, solve problems by applying mathematical skills and be proficient with mental and written calculations.
Teaching for mastery follows five key principles: representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency, variation and coherence. When teaching maths for mastery, all children will attempt the same task and move through topics at broadly the same pace. Each topic is studied in depth where advanced learners are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems and those who are not sufficiently fluent are provided with additional support to consolidate their understanding before the whole class moves on together.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Our school uses an exciting online maths programs designed to support your child in their mathematical learning.
Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables. The website aims to make maths learning more fun for everyone. We have found that our simple game really helps children learn their times tables. Maths Chase games help children learn by using repetition and also increase their speed gradually as they become more skilled. Maths Chase allows you to increase the speed you need to answer questions as you become more confident in a fun and engaging way. Click here to try it.
Accelerated Reading
Crowlands Primary School has implemented the Accelerated Reader Programme for KS2 pupils. This initiative endeavours to boost the attainment and progress levels of our children and to allow for more regular and immediate data for teachers to then identify pupils’ strengths and targets for reading.
Since the Accelerated Reader programme has begun, the pupils of Crowlands are able to support their love of reading through a range of books and quizzes. The old school library has now been converted into a superhero themed room called the 'AR Room' which is fully equipped with laptops and a large teaching screen for pupils to take a quiz at any time of the day when they finish reading their book.
The pupils thoroughly enjoy visiting the AR Room which is open in the mornings before school from 8:40am – 8:50am and throughout the school day. The AR Room is also open during lesson times to allow for pupils who have read their book during a reading session, or if a class story has been read to them, as they can immediately take a quiz on the book. As the AR Room is open throughout lunch, many of our pupils enjoy visiting the Crowlands Library Bus to read a book, visit the AR Room to take a quiz and with adult support, immediately discuss misconceptions and strengths.
Phonics: Bug Club
The reading scheme used in EYFS and KS1 is the government validated scheme Bug Club.
Pupils in Year 2 carry out a number of different activities throughout the week including reading aloud to the teacher; phonic tasks; comprehension activities; and spelling tasks. This is carried out with adult support so that misconceptions and discussions can be carried out there and then.
In KS2 the children are carrying out whole class comprehension lessons across their two-week Literacy block. This is a series of four to five lessons following the Reading Explorers scheme. This looks at the different skills the children require to be able to decipher a text and successfully answer questions on it. This leads to building stamina and the understanding of the different questions and language needed in Year 6 and when transitioning from primary to secondary school.
Science plays such an important role in all our lives. Here at Crowlands we like to encourage, motivate and inspire the children to become critical thinkers about the world around them. At Crowlands we follow the National Curriculum objectives alongside our own Creative Curriculum to deliver an exciting and challenging curriculum for our pupils. Our ‘thought showers’ at the start of each science topic encourage children to ask questions and communicate their ideas.
Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each of our science topics and such skills are frequently revisited. During each science topic relevant and specialist vocabulary is taught and built upon.
Each year group revisits the following topics on a yearly basis whilst endeavouring to look at each area in more detail as we progress (Years 1-6).
Being Me in My World:
Children start the year by learning about themselves and their place in the world.
Celebrating Difference
Children examine what makes us different and also the same, whilst taking the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the diversity around us.
Dreams and Goals
In this topic children look at their own passions and ambitions and what drives themselves and others to achieve.
Healthy Me
Diet, exercise and general wellbeing are the focus and children learn about good lifestyle choices both inside and outside of school.
Family relationships and making friends form the basis of this topic. Children look at how to maintain friendships and how to resolve conflict when it arises.
Changing Me
Children examine the changes that take place within them both in terms of their appearance and maturity. We look at what ‘growing up’ is all about and we adapt to a changing world.
OUR 3 I's
At Crowlands Primary School we believe each child should be confident to use mathematics in a range of everyday situations. Therefore, we encourage children to develop a positive attitude to this subject and improve their attainment by providing a balanced and varied curriculum of mathematics based on the requirements set out in the National Curriculum 2014.
Mathematics is a tool for everyday life. It is a whole network of concepts and relationships which provide a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of practical tasks and real life problems. It also provides the materials and means for creating new imaginative worlds to explore.
At Crowlands, we follow the teaching for mastery principles to equip our children to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically, solve problems by applying mathematical skills and be proficient with mental and written calculations.
Teaching for mastery follows five key principles: representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency, variation and coherence. When teaching maths for mastery, all children will attempt the same task and move through topics at broadly the same pace. Each topic is studied in depth where advanced learners are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems and those who are not sufficiently fluent are provided with additional support to consolidate their understanding before the whole class moves on together.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Our school uses an exciting online maths programs designed to support your child in their mathematical learning.
Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables. The website aims to make maths learning more fun for everyone. We have found that our simple game really helps children learn their times tables. Maths Chase games help children learn by using repetition and also increase their speed gradually as they become more skilled. Maths Chase allows you to increase the speed you need to answer questions as you become more confident in a fun and engaging way. Click here to try it.
Accelerated Reading
Crowlands Primary School has implemented the Accelerated Reader Programme for KS2 pupils. This initiative endeavours to boost the attainment and progress levels of our children and to allow for more regular and immediate data for teachers to then identify pupils’ strengths and targets for reading.
Since the Accelerated Reader programme has begun, the pupils of Crowlands are able to support their love of reading through a range of books and quizzes. The old school library has now been converted into a superhero themed room called the 'AR Room' which is fully equipped with laptops and a large teaching screen for pupils to take a quiz at any time of the day when they finish reading their book.
The pupils thoroughly enjoy visiting the AR Room which is open in the mornings before school from 8:40am – 8:50am and throughout the school day. The AR Room is also open during lesson times to allow for pupils who have read their book during a reading session, or if a class story has been read to them, as they can immediately take a quiz on the book. As the AR Room is open throughout lunch, many of our pupils enjoy visiting the Crowlands Library Bus to read a book, visit the AR Room to take a quiz and with adult support, immediately discuss misconceptions and strengths.
Phonics: Bug Club
The reading scheme used in EYFS and KS1 is the government validated scheme Bug Club.
Pupils in Year 2 carry out a number of different activities throughout the week including reading aloud to the teacher; phonic tasks; comprehension activities; and spelling tasks. This is carried out with adult support so that misconceptions and discussions can be carried out there and then.
In KS2 the children are carrying out whole class comprehension lessons across their two-week Literacy block. This is a series of four to five lessons following the Reading Explorers scheme. This looks at the different skills the children require to be able to decipher a text and successfully answer questions on it. This leads to building stamina and the understanding of the different questions and language needed in Year 6 and when transitioning from primary to secondary school.
Science plays such an important role in all our lives. Here at Crowlands we like to encourage, motivate and inspire the children to become critical thinkers about the world around them. At Crowlands we follow the National Curriculum objectives alongside our own Creative Curriculum to deliver an exciting and challenging curriculum for our pupils. Our ‘thought showers’ at the start of each science topic encourage children to ask questions and communicate their ideas.
Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each of our science topics and such skills are frequently revisited. During each science topic relevant and specialist vocabulary is taught and built upon.
Each year group revisits the following topics on a yearly basis whilst endeavouring to look at each area in more detail as we progress (Years 1-6).
Being Me in My World:
Children start the year by learning about themselves and their place in the world.
Celebrating Difference
Children examine what makes us different and also the same, whilst taking the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the diversity around us.
Dreams and Goals
In this topic children look at their own passions and ambitions and what drives themselves and others to achieve.
Healthy Me
Diet, exercise and general wellbeing are the focus and children learn about good lifestyle choices both inside and outside of school.
Family relationships and making friends form the basis of this topic. Children look at how to maintain friendships and how to resolve conflict when it arises.
Changing Me
Children examine the changes that take place within them both in terms of their appearance and maturity. We look at what ‘growing up’ is all about and we adapt to a changing world.