Contact us

If you have a query please contact

Mrs L Rowley - School Business Manager

Mr P Webb - Acting Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Mrs G Linehan, Mrs L Mercer & Mrs T Langrish - Office Team


Crowlands Primary School
London Road


01708 743402


General Email


Our SENCo is Mr P Webb. You may contact her by calling the school office on 01708 743402 or by emailing them on


To contact your childs phase leader please use the email below.

Phase Group Year Groups Phase Leader
EYFS Nursery & Reception Miss Buck
KS1 Year 1 & Year 2 Mrs Rodriguez
Lower Key Stage 2 Year 3 & Year 4 Mr Taylor
Upper Key Stage 2 Year 5 & Year 6 Mrs Neziri

If your child is in the following year groups, please see the allocated email address:

Nursery or Reception:

Year 1 or Year 2:

Year 3 or Year 4:

Year 5 or Year 6:

The school car park is for staff use only for health and safety reasons.
Arrangements can be made if you contact