Welcome to our Nursery


CLICK HERE for a guide on What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Click here for our Nursery Parent Meeting

Click here for a trip around our Nursery and Reception

Welcome Pack

  • Drop in dates/times To be confirmed
  • Starting Nursery – dates and times To be confirmed
  • Cool Milk registration form-fill in online
  • 30 hours funding- apply immediately and let office know code
  • Password

General Information:-
Make staff aware of medical issues asthma / allergies

An important document for you to read is the School Prospectus


Gate: except for the first day

  • Children will be met at the gates and enter the nursery with the nursery staff.
  • Children will be dismissed from the same gate.
Please note: If you are late, please take your child around to the office.

Reception and Year 1 children enter this gate after us and the nursery door will be shut.

If your child will not be in school for any reason, please call the office and send in a note on their first day back.



  • You would have been allocated either an AM or a PM place.
  • AM Session 8.30-11.30
  • PM Session 12.30-3.30
  • If you are entitled to the 30 hours provision, you need to provide a code to the office and your child will do 8.30-3.30 and stay for lunch.

The first few days….

Be prepared to stay – each child is different and we will discuss with you what is the best way to support your child to settle in – as we get to know them.

Support your child with self registration – coat, bag, and name card

Bring along a book and choose a seat in the classroom - this will be your child’s comfort zone when you leave

Always say goodbye - we will be on hand to distract and support your child


The first few weeks….

Find out – what the children already know and can do

Plan – opportunities to further their development in each area of learning

Observe and assess – continuous process

You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress and transition into Nursery within the first term. There will be opportunities for you to come and spend time in the nursery with your child in the second and third term.


Practical Details

  • Uniform- for further details –refer to website – NAME
  • Coat - NAME
  • Spare clothing – NAME
  • Wellington boots – NAME
  • NO JEWELLERY - including watches and earrings
  • All children are expected to bring a pair of named wellington boots and a named bag with a named change of clothes, which stay in school
  • Every day, please send your child with their book bag.
  • Lunchtimes
    • If your child stays all day, lunch is NOT provided, you will need to provide a packed lunch. There are no facilities for cooking or warming food.
    • Nursery staff will stay with the children in Nursery for their lunchtimes.

Communication Between Home & School

Whole school:

  • Weekly Newsletter
  • Parent mail
  • Website, Facebook and Twitter

Nursery class:

  • Termly Curriculum Plan
  • Reading record/Book bag
  • Chat during Stay and Play Sessions
  • Parent feedback forms.
  • 2Simple Reports

Last But Not Least

If you have any concerns…………………..in the first instance, please talk to the Nursery Teacher or Support Staff.

Home-School Liaison Worker – Miss S Whiting 
Pastoral Care – Miss M Romeo
EYFS Phase Leader - Miss C Buck
Headteacher – Mrs S Clark
Learning Support Manager - Mrs S Imber
Assistant Headteacher – Mrs L Delbosq, Mrs C Chaplin or Mrs S Imber
Executive Headteacher - Mrs H McClenaghan

We will all be happy to talk to you about any concerns you may have.


Below are a few documents for you to look at before your child starts Nursery.

Click here for Getting Ready for Nursery - Some key skills you can practise together at home

Click here for Potty and Toilet Training Guide

Click here for Potty and Toilet Training: Signs of Readiness Checklist

Click here for our Nursery Toilet Procedure

Click here if your child is not confident in speaking English, it would help them if they were able to recognise the most common words we use in the first few weeks of school.

Click here for a story you can read to your children each day, for the 5 days before they come to school.
It will help them to know what is going to happen, who will be there to greet him, different areas of the classroom and reassures them that you will be there at the end of the day to pick them up and hear all about their day.


Meet the teacher

  Miss Tyson  
Mrs Gawler Mrs Devaji Miss Goldman